2020 官网升级中!现在您访问官网的浏览器设备分辨率宽度低于1280px

TUV Energy-saving Report of South Germany

Energy-saving report is jointly certified by Testing Center of Guangzhou JNJ SPAS Co.,Ltd and our witness laboratory authorized by TUV of South Germany.

The energy saving report is jointly certified by the witness laboratory authorized by the testing center of Guangzhou jianzhijie Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. and Nande TUV. The energy saving report fully shows that the r-10 full insulation technology developed by our company can effectively reduce energy efficiency, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving.

The r-10 full thermal insulation technology developed and installed in the product by our company can maximize the heat energy in the product, prevent the water temperature from decreasing in the product, reduce the working time of the thermostat, greatly reduce the energy efficiency cost of the whole product and save electricity for end users. The whole r-10 full thermal insulation technical materials are distributed in acrylic plates, chassis and apron to prevent internal heat loss to the greatest extent. With the use of thermal insulation cover, power consumption can be saved even in the whole winter.


The insulation cover used for each product is customized and accords with the size of each product. Each insulation cap has a high density foam. It has high R value insulation to ensure that the thermal insulation cover is locked and the water temperature of the product is reduced, so as to keep the water quality clean and reduce the maintenance cost.


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