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After ACL injury of football players, water sports rehabilitation and efficient interventional therapy


Incidence of ACL injury

According to statistics, 150000 people suffer ACL injury every year. Although ACL injuries occur in contact sports, such as football, in fact, 70% of ACL injuries occur in non-contact sports. Compared with male athletes, the probability of knee ligament tear in female athletes is 6-8 times higher. In early adolescence and adolescence, women’s hip weakness and dislocation at the moment of heel landing due to unbalanced muscle strength of quadriceps and hamstring muscles, ligament relaxation and bone differences, which increases the pressure on ACL.

Advantages of water rehabilitation in ACL injury rehabilitation

Whether before or after surgery, the water environment can provide patients with a safe and effective treatment environment, greatly shorten the rehabilitation cycle, and make patients enter the rehabilitation process early.

The buoyancy generated by water can reduce the weight of joints and carry out ROM training of knee joints in the early stage. The viscoelasticity of water is convenient for early strength training around the knee joint. The thermodynamic effect of water can help reduce joint stiffness and enhance the flexibility of muscles and ligaments around joints. Hydrostatic pressure can reduce edema of affected limbs and promote end blood reflux. Use the glass ring technique (brrm) for early neuromuscular retraining. Adjust the water depth for muscle strengthening training. Help athletes return to the sports field earlier.

In today’s sports world, water rehabilitation is being widely used in the process of sports injury rehabilitation. More and more sports rehabilitation therapists, high-level athletes and coaches find that compared with traditional land rehabilitation, water rehabilitation can produce a significant rehabilitation breakthrough of “impossible” of traditional land rehabilitation. ACL reconstruction can recover more strongly, and has gradually become a new standard for excellent athletes in today’s competitive field. “Water” is playing an important role. “Water provides a safe treatment environment, which plays a key role in the early rehabilitation of athletes after injury, breaking the psychological barrier that running ability will not return to the level before injury after ACL reconstruction surgery.”